Indigenous Terms

  1. The style guide provides general guidance when writing documents for broad audiences. But when communicating directly with any stakeholder, especially with Indigenous communities, always defer to their expressed communication preferences, even if they conflict with the style guide.

  2. Always use the correct name of a First Nation, Inuit, or Métis group. You can confirm names by checking the group’s website or asking a member directly.

  3. The Government of Alberta maintains a list of Indigenous community consultation contacts. If you do not already have contact information, reference this list or contact Engagement and Communication for advice.

  4. The term “Indigenous” should be capitalized, along with the names of specific groups and the terms “First Nation,” “Métis” (with the accent), and “Inuit.”

  5. When speaking collectively, speak in the plural: “Indigenous peoples,” “Indigenous communities,” and “First Nations.”

  6. The AER prefers a lowercase style. Terms like “elder,” “elders’ circle,” and “treaty rights,” for example, should be lowercase.