
Bulletins are announcements, intended for a wider audience than the target audience of any associated document (like a directive). Our bulletins are heavily used by media and should be understandable by the general public.

Bulletins are transitory documents. By default, they are deleted from the website two years after the end of the calendar year the bulletin was released. Any information that needs to be available longer term should be distributed using other instruments.

Bulletins are not regulatory instruments. They are not enforceable and should not be used to convey requirements.


  1. The title should be as short (but as descriptive) as is reasonable. Be clear about what the bulletin is announcing.

  2. The very first paragraph should announce whatever it is you’re announcing. Any information not directly related to the announcement should be moved to the end of the bulletin or removed entirely.

  3. Use logical, reasonably short paragraphs, and use subheadings when appropriate.

  4. Always include contact information so the reader knows where to go to get additional information.

Dos and Don’ts

  1. Do use the most current template, available on the Hub > References & Tools > AER Document Templates.

  2. Do use plain language! Our bulletins should be approachable by a general audience.

  3. Do keep bulletins short (1 page is ideal; 2 pages maximum).

  4. When announcing changes to other documents (e.g., directives), do summarize the changes. A long detailed table of changes is not appropriate in a bulletin. But do explain what the changes accomplish and what triggered them. Those directly affected by the changes will go to the actual source document for more information.

  5. Don’t draft a bulletin until any associated documents are done. The bulletin should be the last document you develop, after it is clear what exactly the changes are to the source documents.